Sunday, July 29, 2012

What Would Judo?

A small, sad story from the Olympics: seems the Lebanese judo team was scheduled to practice at the same time in the same gym as the Israeli judo team.  The Lebanese refused to do so unless a curtain was put up between the two teams.  Sadly enough, their British hosts agreed.  Why do I say this is sad?  Because the Olympic movement is supposed to foster goodwill and brotherhood among nations.

I realize that there are two avenues of contention between these countries; one national the other religious.  Still, this demand is outrageous because the aggrieved party is not the one reacting.

The Lebanese/Israeli border is and has been the site of numerous cross-border rocket attacks; attacks from Lebanon into Israel and almost always targeting Israeli citizens.  Every once in a while, Israel will fire back at Lebanese military targets.  Even less frequently, Israeli troops will cross the border to halt the attacks.  Count this one as victim: Israel.
For many years, Lebanon was a quiet, peaceful land known for its beautiful beaches and religious tolerance.  It had a thriving international tourist trade and peaceful relations among its Muslim, Jewish (albeit very small), and Christian communities.  Then came the Jihadists and the country experience decades of civil war.  It ended (well, I guess it ended) with the Jews and Christians on the run and the Islamists in control.  Well, actually they weren’t in control; they are merely doing the work of other groups and countries by proxy – people that have a strong hatred for anything Jewish and anybody that supports Israel.  And they are not afraid to kill folks to prove it.

And we’re supposed to feel sorry for the Lebanese in this instance?  Would that the British reminded them what the spirit of the Olympic movement was all about, then tell them to use the facility as provided or not – their choice.  This kind of hatred is festering; the western world has got to stand up to it.

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