Friday, July 20, 2012

God and Country

As a child, I was taught that being a good American was as important as being a good Christian.  God and Country was just that – not God then Country; God and Country were on the same level of importance.  At times, this arrangement could be justified.  After all, we were fighting an atheist enemy.  Not only that, the practitioners of this ideology killed more of its own citizens that any group in the history of the world.

This hierarchy of allegiance was confusing to me as a kid.  Over the years, I’ve settled the issue, not by thinking about the relationship of the citizen as much as thinking about the character of the individual. 

We are all flawed beings.  As such, how can something we create be on the same level as a perfect God?

Here’s another factor that muddies the waters for a lot of people: The Bible tells us that we should be in subjection to the powers that reign over us.  True.  Yet, America has a rather unique place in the history of nations.  As a representative republic, the power to which I am supposed to subject myself to also desires my input.  I am permitted to have my say pertaining to the direction of my government.  Permitted, but not required.  I am not forced to participate.

So, the second tier of my allegiances wants me to be an active member if I so choose.  So does the first, but that is a subject for another day …

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