Thursday, July 19, 2012

What am I thinking?

I am going to write about hope, even though it won’t always seem that way   Hope for tomorrow and today.  You see, when tomorrow comes, it will be today.

I don’t expect anyone to agree with my thoughts; everyone else has as much right to be wrong as I do.  I also don’t really care if anyone if offended by my thoughts; I’ve never seen anything that says an individual has a right not to be offended – I’m not even sure such an attitude is healthy.

And so, my adventure begins.  If you are reading this, understand that having readers is nice, but more important to me is the opportunity to hone my writing skills and clarify my thoughts and beliefs.

My topics will range from personal observations to faith and social issues.  While I find politics fascinating, pure politics is not really my thing.  Politics is only interesting as it relates to how I believe I should live my life.

I’m not asking for approval, just an open mind.

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